new_client Function

private function new_client(request) result(client)

This is the constructor for the client_type derived type.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(request_type), intent(in) :: request

Specifies the HTTP request to send.

Return Value type(client_type)

A client_type object containing the request field set to the input request object.


Source Code

Source Code

    function new_client(request) result(client)

        !!> This is the constructor for the `client_type` derived type.
        type(request_type), intent(in) :: request
            !! Specifies the **HTTP `request`** to send.
        type(client_type) :: client
            !! A `client_type` object containing the `request` field set to the input `request` object.

        client%request = request
    end function new_client